Girls Varsity Basketball, 2/5/19: Today we played against New Life Christian Academy for the second time this season and we lost 3-44. We gave them a hard time in the first quarter and limited their points to just 3. That is a huge improvement from when we played them the first time, when they scored 12 points in the first quarter. We couldn't keep that defense momentum going so they started to create many great shots. Our lead scorer was Chloe Woggerman, senior, with 3 points. Our next game is tomorrow against league opponent, Landmark at our home court.
1Q. 2Q. 3Q. 4Q. Final
NLCA. 3. 14. 13. 14. 44
MSD. 0. 0. 3. 0. 3

Boys Varsity Basketball, 2/5/19: MSD boys lost to New Life Christian Academy 7 to 52. The boys managed to work on some basic offense.

I hope this is the last change....
Little Tartars banquet has been moved to Tuesday February 19th, 4:30-6:30pm. Letters will be sent home tomorrow. I apologize for any confusion.

All basketball teams have games tonight, 2/5/19, against New Life Christian Academy on our home court. Games start at 5pm!

Girls Varsity Basketball, 2/4/19: Today we played against a very talented shooting team, St.Thomas More Academy. They outscored us 8-57. Tartars leading scorers were Rina Manssora and Addison Blair, both seniors with 3 points each. Taylor Stebbins, Freshman, was also able to get 2 points. Our next game will be tomorrow against New Life Christian Academy at our home court.
1Q. 2Q. 3Q. 4Q. Final
STMA. 15. 14. 16. 12. 57
MSD. 1. 2. 0. 5. 8

Varsity girls basketball, 1/24/19: Today we played against Ohio School for the Deaf. They played really well and their performance was really impressive. They beat us, 17-41. Our team was lead by Senior Addison Blair with 7 points while other Senior Chloe Woggerman got 5 points. Rina Manssora, Senior, got 3 points and Crystal Katcher, Senior, got 2 points. Next game will be against Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf at tomorrow evening in OSD gym.
1Q. 2Q. 3Q. 4Q. Final
OSD. 7. 9. 15. 10. 41
MSD. 3. 0. 2. 12. 15

The boys' basketball team won with 17 points. The girls' team scored 8 1/2 points. We love team building activities! The purpose of this activity is to have the teams enjoy working together off the court. I hope you all had fun checking out the pictures!

Check out #MSDTartarChallenge on Facebook to see what our Varsity basketball teams are doing in Ohio right now!

LEGO Club starts Monday, January 28th! Make sure you get your permission slips in! If you are currently playing basketball but want to participate when it is finished, that is OK too!

Boys Varsity Basketball, 1/22/19: Tartars contended and lost to Merritt 12 to 51. Merritt demonstrated great basketball with great sportsmanship! MSD is now 0-7.

Girls Varsity Basketball, 1/22/19: Last night we played against Merritt. They have lots of veterans players that took complete control the whole game. They beat us, 9-41. Our team was lead with freshman Taylor Stebbins, 4 points, 2 blocks, & 3 steals. Two others players scored as well; Addison Blair, Senior, with 3 points and Chloe Woggerman, Senior, with 2 points. Our next game will be against Ohio School for the Deaf on Thursday for their homecoming.
1Q. 2Q. 3Q. 4Q. Final
MSD. 3. 2. 2. 2. 9
Merritt. 10. 8. 14. 9. 41

Girls Varsity Basketball 1/17/19: Our varsity girls played against the team that has very good shooting, New Life Christian Academy. We lost to them, 6-43. Our team was leading with our two seniors, Addison Blair with 3 points and Rina Manssora 3 points. Our next game will be on Tuesday against Merritt, another league match-up, at their gym.
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Final
MSD 0 0 0 6 6
NLCA 12 11 18 2 43
Record 0-4 League 0-1

Boy's Varsity Basketball, 1/17/19: The Tartars was challenged by New Life Christians. We lost 13 to 38. We are now 0-6.

Girls Varsity Basketball: Last night, 1/16/19, we played against a talented, fast, good sized team from Bentley and we lost to them. The final score was 4-35. Our team was lead by Allison Blair (Senior) and Taylor Stebbins (Freshman) with 2 points. Taylor also lead with 5 rebounds and 1 assist. Our next game will be tonight against New Life at their court. It will be our first league match-up.
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Final
Bentley . 13 . 6 8 8 35
MSD 0 2 2 0 4

All of our basketball teams will be traveling to New Life Christian Academy today, 1/17/19. Little Tartars play at 5pm, Girls at 6pm, and Boys at 7:30.

Little Tartars (4th-8th grade Coed) Basketball Team will be playing against Chatfield tonight here at MSD. The game will be at 6 pm. Go Tartars!

Thank you for your patience with all the adjustments we had to make today. Alumni Night was a success! There were 40 alumni in attendance. Thank you for all of your support. Happy Holidays from the Activities Department!

Boys Varsity Basketball 12/20: The tartars just faced a basketball savvy team. Madison dominated them 61 to 14. MSD is now 0-3

Varsity Girls team will NOT have a game. We are going to try for a 430 start for the boys. I am still trying to get ahold of Madison. Sorry for the inconvenience.

TONIGHT IS ALUMNI NIGHT!!!! Come and support our Varsity teams as they play Madison Academy. Girls game starts at 4:30 and boys starts at 6 pm. The first 5 alumni that comes will get a surprise!