About MSD
Student Life
Parents and Guardians of MSD Students:
Your child’s health and safety, including cyber safety, is a top priority for MSD school and dorm staff. Michigan School for the Deaf staff share resources and have intentional conversations with staff and students about the importance of cyber safety.
If your child has access to a cell phone, iPad, or other electronic device, then cyber safety is an important topic for you and your child to learn more about. The following resources and useful links can help safeguard your child's cyber safety both at home and in school.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact an MSD staff member, Principal Rex Vernon, or Youth Dorm Manager Chris Yeager.
Social Media Dangers Documentary - Childhood 2.0
It is a powerful video explaining the dangers of the Internet.
Protect Young Eyes
Hello? Is your home Internet safe?Apps Every Parent Should Know
A compilation of the most popular apps that youth and young adults use on their personal devices. This resource was developed by the Michigan State Police (MSP) Cyber Crimes Unit– Internet Crimes Against Children. Page 8 provides a useful tool for starting a conversation with your child.ProtectMiChild
State of Michigan registry to block adult-themed content from reaching your child or teen.Internet Safety
A guide for teachers and parents.Seven Signs Your Child May be at Risk Online
From the Michigan State Police.