Michigan School For The Deaf Tuition
Estimate of Charges for 2024-2025 School Year
The Basic Tuition Charge, which includes all the following activities, is $32,658.
Bilingual classroom instruction
Reading interventions
American Sign Language interventions
Auditory therapy
Audiological services
Speech and Language services
Medical services
Counseling services
Transition coordination services
American Sign Language classes for families
Educational Field Trips & transportation
Sports and other extra-curricular activities There is no charge to parents
The following is the approximate net charge to the resident intermediate school district (ISD):
Basic Tuition $32,658
Less Basic Foundation Amount ($9,608)
Less Section 54 Amount ($16,231)
Net Cost to the ISD (excluding transportation) $6,819
Additional services required by the IEP (i.e., occupational therapy; physical therapy; assignment at the area skill center; etc.) are charged to the ISD accordingly and are discussed/approved by the ISD/Resident District prior to implementation.
There is no charge for room and board to either parents or the ISD.