Motorcycles lined up outside the FAD where Deaf Friends meet

Below is a letter from MSD's Athletic Director to the Deaf Power Bikers and the FAD. Their support and donation is greatly appreciated!!!

Dear Deaf Power Bikers and FAD,    11/27/24

A HUGE shout out and thank you for hosting an event to raise money for The Michigan School for the Deaf’s Athletic Department. Support from the community is always needed and appreciated. The $2,125.00 raised will help go towards celebrations, trips, gifts, and many more for our after-school programs. MSD has recently started sponsoring more clubs and events and this money is greatly needed. MSD hosts many events, and we hope to see you in attendance. Please check our website and/or social media pages to get more information on after school activities that are occurring.

Thank you again!


Lindsay Lantagne (She/Her/Hers)
GECS Coordinator
Activities Director
Varsity Volleyball Head Coach
Work Cell: (810)922-1652
Office VP: (810)471-4255
Office Voice: (810)257-1404

Deaf Power Bikers shoulder patchNote to Lindsay on 11/27/2024, Enclosed is $2125 cash donated by Deaf Power Bikers for Athletic Department at MSD, from Tom (not sure of last name) FAD Treasurer